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Are freelancers or sole proprietors eligible to apply?
Updated over 2 months ago

Yes, we can! If you are a freelancer or a sole proprietor, you are welcome to start your business application with us.

Currently, we are only accepting freelancers from:

  1. Germany

    1. Kleingewerbetreibende

    2. Freiberufler

    3. Eingetragene Kaufleute (e.K.)*

  2. France

    1. Entreprise Individuelle (EI)

    2. Entreprise Individuelle à Responsabilité Limitée (EIRL)

  3. Netherlands

    1. Eenmanszaak

  4. Italy

    1. Impresa Individuale

    2. Ente Privato Economico (EPE)

    3. Lavoratore Autonomo

    4. Libero professionista

  5. Poland

    1. Jednoosobowa Działalność Gospodarcza

  6. Spain

    1. Empresario Individual

The onboarding process is similar for General Business. The only difference is the specific information and documents we will require from you. You can begin your onboarding process by clicking this link.

To learn more about the tariff plans and benefits applicable to freelancers, please visit this page.

*Applies the General Business Tariff.

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