The information and documents required from Non-profit Organisations (NPOs) differ slightly from those of for-profit organisations and companies.
For NPOs, such as associations, foundations and charities the following additional information and documents are usually necessary:
Information about counterparties
Details of counterparties involved in the organisation's administrative transactions, including locations and organisations (for example, counterparties contracted for salary disbursement or vendors)
Proof that all counterparties are based in the European Economic Areas (EEA)
Financial statements or Annual Reports
Bank statements, auditing reports, or a copy of the annual tax report
Proof of public benefit purpose
A certificate confirming the public benefit status issued by a government or tax authority verifying that the organisation operates for public or charitable purposes rather than for profit
Articles of Association (see below) may replace this certificate
Articles of Association
Outline of how the organisation is run, explaining the decision-making, responsibilities of directors and members, and how the organisation handles its finances and operations
Optional: mission, goals, an explanation of how funds are used to achieve the organisation’s purpose
Certificate of Tax-Exemption (Freistellungsbescheid)
A certificate issued by a government or tax authority to certify that the NPO is exempt from paying certain taxes.
Please note: Only for-profit organisations are not required to provide this document.
Management of charitable funds
Detailed description of how outgoing cash flows for charitable purposes are managed
Includes the process by which funds are distributed to the final beneficiaries, which aligns with the organisation’s mission and objectives
7. Optional: information about financial intermediaries
If intermediaries are involved in disbursing funds for charitable purposes, detailed information about their role should be provided
Please note: This requirement applies only to charitable organisations.