Yes, Vivid already provides services for Non-profit Organisations (NPOs). However, some limitations apply.
Eligible regions
only applicants whose organisation is based in Germany can be accepted
applicants, directors and Ultimate Beneficial Owners need to be residents of the European Economic Area
At least one of the directors and Ultimate Beneficial Owners must either reside in Germany or live within 10 kilometers of the German border
Eligible entities
Vivid can currently only accept the following types of legal entities for Non-profit Organisations:
eingetragener Vereine (eV)
gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (gGmbH)
gemeinnützige Unternehmensgesellschaften (gUG)
gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft (gAG)
Please note: Vivid does not provide services for the following entities yet, even if they are considered Non-profit Organisations:
Religious and faith-based organizations
Political parties
Unregistered associations (nicht eingetragener Verein)
NPOs "in formation" (only registered for-profit associations who obtained relevant permission from state authorities (Landesbehörde) are accepted)
NPOs who need to execute outgoing payments outside the EEA, Australia, Canada, Greenland, Japan, Korea (the Republic of), New Caledonia, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the), United States of America (the)
NPOs who perform charitable activities outside the EEA and Switzerland
Foundations and associations that function solely as non-operational holding structures (so-called "private holdings")
NPOs with fewer than two members on their Board of Directors
Limitations based on organisation's activities
Some organisations may have limitations due to compliance regulations and our partnerships with financial institutions.
For more information and a comprehensive list, please refer to this article.