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Can any company open a Vivid Business account?
Updated over a week ago

Currently, Vivid Business accounts are open to companies with any legal entities, except e.V., gGmbH, gUG, and gAG., that satisfy the following criteria:

  • The company's legal entity is registered in the European Economic Area (EEA).

  • All directors must have a residence in an EEA country.

We can also open accounts for freelancers under the following legal types:

  1. Germany

    1. Kleingewerbetreibende

    2. Freiberufler

    3. Eingetragene Kaufleute (e.K.)

  2. France

    1. Entreprise Individuelle (EI)

    2. Entreprise Individuelle à Responsabilité Limitée (EIRL)

  3. Netherlands

    1. Eenmanszaak

  4. Italy

    1. Impresa Individuale

    2. Ente Privato Economico (EPE)

  5. Poland

    1. Jednoosobowa Działalność Gospodarcza

  6. Spain

    1. Empresario Individual

Please note that we are unable to onboard high-risk industries. You can find the list of restricted industries here.

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